Daat ass eng Tastatur dei mär och gefällt. Beim Optimus Keyboard ass all eenzel Tast een klengen Display, an daat innovativt dorunner ass, du kriss emmer ugewisen wei eng Buchstaawen/Kommando'en graad meiglech sinn, natirlech geet daat och matt Programmen oder Spilller. Mol oofwoarden waat daat dengen kascht, "less than a good mobile phone" kann schon saudeier sinn dann aawer..
It’s in the initial stage of production.
We hope it will be released in 2006.
It will cost less than a good mobile phone.
It will be real.
It will be OS-independent (at least it’s going to be able to work in some default state with any OS).
It will support any language or layout.
Moscow is the capital of Russia.
Each key could be programmed to produce any sequence.
It will be an open-source keyboard, SDK will be available.
Some day it will be split (and made “ergonomic”).
It will most likely use the OLED technology (e-paper is sooo slow).
Our studio is located two blocks from the Kremlin.
It will feature a key-saver.
Keys could be animated when needed.
It has a numeric keypad because we love it.
There’s no snow in Moscow in summer.
It will be available worldwide (why not?)
OEM is possible (why not?)
1 comment:
:D joa...ass schon seit enger zeitchen bekannt..
a rood mol ween soueng tasta well?
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