een aanert Spill ass daat heiten, wees net wei et heescht well ass alles op asiatesch. De Männchen probeiert dech ze fänken, also den Cursor vun der Maus.
dei Intro hei bei exitmovie ass saugudd!!
dann kann een och op eng mei schein visuell Art & Weis duerchkucken: Revealicious. Haat ech bei SolutionWatch fonnt, do ass eng Lescht matt 25
an daat alles haat ech am MonkeyFood/Blog fonnt..., dei maachen kleng Programmer fir Mac. Aprops Mac, Rendez-Vous oder wei et elo heescht "Bonjour" klengt interessant. Hun zwaar keen Mac mee geif gären wessen op daat fonktionneiert wei se soen:
Bonjour lets you create an instant network of computers and smart devices just by getting them connected to each other. The computers and devices take over from there, automatically broadcasting and discovering what services each is offering for the use of others. The network could be as simple as two AirPort Extreme-equipped PowerBook users sitting in a hotel meeting room miles from the nearest AirPort Extreme Base Station with some large files they need to share. Before Bonjour, frustration. With Bonjour, your computer will discover others, making file sharing completely simple.

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